Board of Officers
Bull Run Board of Officers
for 2024 - 2025
President: Jeff Sargent: Franconia #1076
Secretary: Thomas Murray: Woodbridge #583
9815 Brentsville Road Manassas, VA 20112
Cell: 571-447-0172
Vice President: Rick Willis: Franconia #1076
Chaplain: Mark Collin: Franconia #1655
Financial Director: Herb Zimmerman: Centreville #2168
Fraternal Director: Danny Mixon: Woodbridge #583
Jr. Past President: Tom Oderwald: Franconia #1076
Appointed Officers
Sergeant at Arms: Earl Seay- Centreville-#2168
Asst. Sergeant at Arms: Wayne Leavell: Manassas #1380
Committee Chairs
Membership: Jeffrey Sargent
Communications: Thomas Murray
Retention: Tom Oderwald
Registration: Liz Coombs, Linda Leavell
Ritual: Larry Stocks
Ad Book: Thomas Murray
Ritual Staff
The Ritual Staff and the associated principles work together to create a solemn and meaningful experience during Moose Legion ceremonies. They reinforce the values of the fraternity, guide new members through their initiation, and serve as a constant reminder of the commitments and responsibilities that come with being a member of the Moose Legion. The rituals are designed to deepen the bond between members and to ensure that the fraternity's values are upheld across generations.
Kenny Head
Danny Mixon
Ricky Willis
Jeffery Sargeant
Larry Gibeault
Larry Stocks
Wayne Leavell